Monday, September 7, 2009

via post-its

a picture paint a thousand words and require the same amount of post-its as well..



Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry that I'm going to give such a unromantic comment to a pretty sweet clip.

IT'S SUCH A WASTE OF POST-ITS! I HOPE ANYONE WHO SAW THIS VIDEO WOULD NOT BE INSPIRED BY THIS TO DO THE SAME THING! This is way too environmentally-unfriendly and I totally was not impressed by it. But I'm really curious and would like to know who was thinking what while creating this clip. If it was suppose to be funny...was it even suppose to be?

November 5, 2009 at 9:01 AM  
Blogger Samantha said...

kudos to short films. and what a crazily creative and romantic act! i guess people show their love in different forms, and via post its is just one of them!

November 5, 2009 at 10:01 AM  
Blogger michelle said...

interesting video! It portrays the different ways in which people use to express their love.
Even though it is kind of ridiculous, you'll never know what will happen when love strikes! I believe that is the reason for the production of this video (:

November 5, 2009 at 3:58 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

It's a really unique video although pretty unrealistic because seriously who would go around having post-its in an office? Which brings me to the point of public displays of affection. What are people trying to prove when they show such outrageous/over-the-top actions? It just makes everyone else around them skeptical of such "love" and probably snidely think to themselves how long this relationship (if any) would last.

November 5, 2009 at 4:44 PM  
Blogger Woon Peng Steffi said...

When office supplies are not what u pay for.

That was a really interesting video! The music added a lot of atmosphere to it, signalling their innocent "infatuation" for each other.

Personally, the video played against the stereotype of "the male makes the first move", but it found its way back into "the male impresses the female." I thought that was very interesting!

November 5, 2009 at 5:38 PM  
Blogger Valerie Tan said...

I second amorausente that it isn't environmentally-friendly at all, unless they had all the unfit-for-second-use postits sent for recycling. On the same note, raining scenes in dramas that often look so fake (obviously the works of water hoses) always make me sigh. Just look at the amounts of fresh water wasted.
Then again... for the sake of artistry and beauty, little sacrifices might be worth it.
The leads in the show did not speak to each other at all but the whole gist was brought out well subtly along its way. Ended with an impact and the rest of the story between the girl and the boy is up for us to imagine. Even though I feel that the impact could have be done better, it was a well condensed 3mins clip.
And yah... That's how we should all abuse office supplies!!!!!!!

November 5, 2009 at 10:39 PM  
Blogger eric said...

I, for one, know that it is not wise to use office supplies for our own personal use, ie lightsticks =)

but anyhoo, i guess from this video we're able to see how love/infatuation brings out the best and worse in people. sure, its all romantic and stuff to come up with sweet nothings for the party that you're attracted to, but at the expense of stealing office supplies and on a greater level, ruining the world!(imagine the amount of trees that were cut down for post its. i'm sorry earth song by michael jackson's stuck in my head.) of course in this film its just post its, but who knows some rich dude might decide to fly his plane and with the smoke churning from the plane decide to spell I HEART YOU 4EVA. what im getting at here is that love has the potential to become over-indulgent and overly excessive, which could cause harm(to both people and the environment).

all in all i still think the film is pretty sweet though.

November 6, 2009 at 1:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sweet, I'd say, despite everyone else before me commenting on the waste of office supplies etc which I suppose is true. It actually takes alot of effort to do all that? And rather creative too.

Well, anyhow, on the flip side who does this anyway!? I'd be impressed to see one like that.

November 6, 2009 at 9:51 AM  
Blogger ant said...

This video is pretty neat! It depicts sort of like a queer yet unique understanding kind of relationship? Like personally I would find it freaky that someoneis able to preampt your every move and "surprises" you. Yet evidently there seems to be a mutual understanding between the characters which makes it sweet. Yet, what's up with the post-its, I don't get it :)

November 8, 2009 at 11:42 PM  

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