Pussy in Boots

Twenty120. Twenty creative directors, a hundred and twenty seconds worth of abstract film based on what inspires them, one theme. Keeping in line directors of different fields of expertise, be it television networks, production companies, design or advertising films, and from all over the world. Their diversified backgrounds be it in the fine art, film, television and commercial and their cultural and social differences, put together this collection “In The Age of Opulence”.
There’s this one video caught my attention the most.
Basically it is a crash course on lingoes, jargon and trends in our current millennium (or The Age of Opulence) , depicted by signs, flags and hand signals, educating the era of the 50-60s in the times.
It employs phrases consisting terms such as beware inexperienced barista (a barista is a professional coffee maker), free wi-fi here, i have a moped (mo

The society has liberalized so much that we frequently use provocative images to promote and advertise products which do not even carry a trace of sexual connotation. Take a seemingly innocent burger for example:

Frankly, it baffles me. What does a naked Alicia Silverstone have any relations to her being a vegetarian? PETA's (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) rationale is using a hoard of scantily cladded beauties to proclaim their love for being vegetarian. It eventually was banned. It boils down to this. There isn't any good or bad advertising - as long it is one that garners enough attention, the aim is accomplished. Sex sells, media is increasing adopting such provocative images to market their goods. Apparently, it is delightfully vulgar, ironically.
This has caused quite a hoo-ha and was taken down.
One (who is probably too young or ignorant) might probably find no fault in this advertisement, there is no obscenity nor profanities present. However, we know the reason why - the sexual innuendos are everywhere.
Our interpretations are subjective, and can vary drastically. How we derive meanings begin at the same starting point - we learn what the typical definitions are through past experiences or comprehend the generally accepted meanings within our culture and how to draw inference from non-verbal cues. Ours has coined terms to be sexually charged, for example blow your mind away, seven incher and so is the elongated burger postitioned infront of the gaping mouth.
Even the bun adopts a second meaning to it now.
Tying in with non-verbal communication, images creates meanings (abstract or otherwise) in the minds of the communicators and the impact supersedes smart tag lines. Visuals are effective stimuli in the sense that it can appeal to both the educated and non-educated.
That was how a picture is worth a thousand words was derived from.
Labels: advertisements, interpretation, perception, perspectives