500 days of seasons

500 Days of Summer (pun intended) transcends your typical romance comedy. It is far from your sentimental, sappy love stories, save one cheesy part towards the end. This film screams indie all over from the soundtrack with The Smiths, covers of The Pixies (all your old school wonders) right up to Zooey Deschanel's argyle prints and mid-calf skirts.
Tom (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) and Summer (Zooey Deschanel) was a fine example of the relational formation of Duck's Filtering theory. They were colleagues; Summer was the new secretary (sociological or incidental cues), Tom was attracted to Summer's physical appearance.
At the beginning on the trailer it plays the scene of them having their first conversation. Tom was listening to his music, and Summer strike a conversation up, for she too enjoyed The Smiths. From one's taste in music, one can roughly shape out the other person's preferences as well.
For instance, my friend and I both enjoy The Smiths too and we both fancy plaid shirts and the same movies, we go to the same clubs and so on.
Then Tom uses this trait of similarity to get Summer's attention by blasting The Smiths in the office.
However, they followed through Knapps Model of Relational Development. Throughout, it seems that Summer is slowly letting Tom into her life, through snippets of her pasts that she had never told anyone except him and the walls around his heart starts to crumble. Then Summer drops the bomb on Tom. Throughout the whole relationship, Summer has been in control. She was the one who threw herself to kiss Tom at the photocopying room, she was the one who initiated that they keep the relationship light, she was the one holding the strings to the relationship, subtly but obviously, she was the one to give him the cold shoulder, to pull her hand away when he wants to hold, to give excuses like "I'm tired" to avoid a conflict and lastly to drop the bomb on him.
This has what relationships nowadays are. The roles of genders are reversed. Guys don't have to be the one taking initiative, girls can be the one who is out to seek fun. In this fast paced world, they sometimes prefer a no hassle, no strings attached relationship. Sometimes, physical attraction is enough to spark the beginning of one relationship. Then physical intimacy occurs before the person goes back to the initiation stage. This has how relationships have evolved for our time.
After their break-up, Tom was in the slumps and tried ways to win her back yet was returned with excuses from Summer. Then they bumped into each other at a wedding, where he picked up the wrong signals due to his wishful thinking. He was invited to a party at her place, which contradicted his expectations. It was her engagement party.
However, they followed through Knapps Model of Relational Development. Throughout, it seems that Summer is slowly letting Tom into her life, through snippets of her pasts that she had never told anyone except him and the walls around his heart starts to crumble. Then Summer drops the bomb on Tom. Throughout the whole relationship, Summer has been in control. She was the one who threw herself to kiss Tom at the photocopying room, she was the one who initiated that they keep the relationship light, she was the one holding the strings to the relationship, subtly but obviously, she was the one to give him the cold shoulder, to pull her hand away when he wants to hold, to give excuses like "I'm tired" to avoid a conflict and lastly to drop the bomb on him.
This has what relationships nowadays are. The roles of genders are reversed. Guys don't have to be the one taking initiative, girls can be the one who is out to seek fun. In this fast paced world, they sometimes prefer a no hassle, no strings attached relationship. Sometimes, physical attraction is enough to spark the beginning of one relationship. Then physical intimacy occurs before the person goes back to the initiation stage. This has how relationships have evolved for our time.
After their break-up, Tom was in the slumps and tried ways to win her back yet was returned with excuses from Summer. Then they bumped into each other at a wedding, where he picked up the wrong signals due to his wishful thinking. He was invited to a party at her place, which contradicted his expectations. It was her engagement party.
Summer was about to get married, to someone else, in the span of less than a year.
Her reason was that she felt like it, and she believes that timing and fate is crucial, which brought her and her husband together. Tom, on the other hand, thanks to Summer, is the one who views romance cynically now. Which is the opposite from the beginning. Tom was
optimistically waiting for the one who will change his life, while Summer did not believe in that, which can be seen her from previous short relationships.
Her reason was that she felt like it, and she believes that timing and fate is crucial, which brought her and her husband together. Tom, on the other hand, thanks to Summer, is the one who views romance cynically now. Which is the opposite from the beginning. Tom was
optimistically waiting for the one who will change his life, while Summer did not believe in that, which can be seen her from previous short relationships.
Moreover, Summer seems to be a spontaneous person. Who does things, such as moving into a new place, out of boredom, or for fun. She also repeatedly said that Tom was fun to be with.
We hardly know of her friends. Summer is the one who's frivoulous and carefree and spontaneous, but Tom likes to be assured and in the comfort zone of things.
End of the day, we see Summer settling down instead. But her reason was that she just felt like it.

These few shots were played in the starting of the film, which a narration which says,"This is not a love story." However, most of my friends chose to believe otherwise. They thought it would be a happy ending despite the narration, also the photos misleaded their perception. This is because most of us choose to believe that things will work out as we wish the relationship in our lives to be the same.
However, that scene takes place when Summer told Tom that it was him, who helped her view love in a different perspective.
I personally feel that feelings play the most crucial role. With feelings, one can overcome alot of flaws, be it materialistic or superficial ones. Feelings make you more patient and more receptive to the other party. The whole rush of feelings can make a mundane routine feel so out of this world, when two are together. The downside, however, is that.. feelings are so unpredictable. What you used to do together, you detest doing it now. It simply feels like a drag even though it spelled so much fun before. You gain feelings one day, so easily just like that, and the next day you can wake up and realise they're gone. Poof. Vanish. Just like that. I guess that's the beauty of falling in love, its unpredictability.
This is what The Killers sang:
I said my heart, it don’t beat, it don’t beat the way it used to
And my eyes don’t recognize you no more.
And my lips, they don’t kiss, they don’t kiss the way they used to,
And my eyes don’t recognize you no more.
For reasons unknown

These few shots were played in the starting of the film, which a narration which says,"This is not a love story." However, most of my friends chose to believe otherwise. They thought it would be a happy ending despite the narration, also the photos misleaded their perception. This is because most of us choose to believe that things will work out as we wish the relationship in our lives to be the same.
However, that scene takes place when Summer told Tom that it was him, who helped her view love in a different perspective.
I personally feel that feelings play the most crucial role. With feelings, one can overcome alot of flaws, be it materialistic or superficial ones. Feelings make you more patient and more receptive to the other party. The whole rush of feelings can make a mundane routine feel so out of this world, when two are together. The downside, however, is that.. feelings are so unpredictable. What you used to do together, you detest doing it now. It simply feels like a drag even though it spelled so much fun before. You gain feelings one day, so easily just like that, and the next day you can wake up and realise they're gone. Poof. Vanish. Just like that. I guess that's the beauty of falling in love, its unpredictability.
This is what The Killers sang:
I said my heart, it don’t beat, it don’t beat the way it used to
And my eyes don’t recognize you no more.
And my lips, they don’t kiss, they don’t kiss the way they used to,
And my eyes don’t recognize you no more.
For reasons unknown
i love how you link something so casual like a chick flick to theories that explains social behaviour. insightful read!
love how the whole "this is not a love story" plot. gender reversal .. it seems like guys still are not able to accept that they cannot be the ones always in control. hormones maybe ? or just social thinking ?
love how you analyse the discourse of their relationship alongside Knapps Model of Relational Development. our emotions might be irrational at times but somehow it follows a particular model.
I am in entire agreement with how a relationship all boils down to Feelings, and perhaps that bit came together with how She was the more dominant party in the relationship, such as to allow her to start and end things on a whim.
It is true that relationships have evolved in our time but I think it is a welcomed change, at least by the people in our society. We can criticise such societal patterns but if we were to be so strongly against them, I believe that they can be fought - at least for yourself as an individual.
P.S. reciprocation (spelling)
I forgot to mention that its a great article! - exceedingly well-written and thought-provoking
So... I thought Summer didn't reciprocate well. Tom went into the relationship affectionately but Summer thought it a game.
Can't spoil it for you, but Summer shouldn't lead Tom on. it was cruel. I suppose these two (Summer & Tom) only managed to the 'intensifying' part of Mark Knapp's model, then they plunged straight to termination.
very nicely written and very insightful! good job! :D
Thanks for spoiling the movie for me, now I know how it all ends !!
Personally, I feel that gender reversal has been taking place for quite some time in society now. An increasing number of women are now assuming the role of males, being more career minded and taking the initiative to step forward for what they want. In the aspect of relationships, it is common to see women 'chasing' men instead of the conventional other way around. I agree that many men are intimidated by this but there are also the few that are impressed by strong-headed women. The evolution of relationships is plain and obvious, most relationships these days are unjustified, they reside in a gray area. It is unclear if two individuals are an item or not with so many of them classifying themselves to just be 'dating.' I am positive I'll get slammed if I start dating a guy that another girl is 'dating' even though technically, they have no commitments to one another. I believe no strings attached relationships are in reality, more complicated than most assume it to be. It is inevitable that one person would grow to be more attached to the other through constant interaction. In the case of the movie, it would be Tom. The physical and emotional attachment to a person will ultimately surface, if not we would not even bother maintaining contact with the person, would we? (Unless the relationship is purely physical...)
i watched this movie recently with a bunch of friends. heard so many differin views about it. personally, i thought there was a lack of plot and plot is important to me, that's how ppl usually appreciate a good movie right? however, i thought the lack of plot here was actually good, and it helped to make the presentation of this movie, which was superb to me, even more outstanding.
and so here i was thinkin ah lack of plot. either it was intentional or there were underlyin subtle meaning behind this plot. and i thought u did a good job analysing some themes in it. yes feelings are powerful yet unpredictable. they are necessary when it comes to love, but they are not sufficient. one may even argue if feelings are just.. contributory instead of being necessary.
and personally i thought it to a be a happy ending. NOT because he met Autumn, but though the relationship with Summer did not work out, i think something about Tom's life did.
yup. thanks for sharing!
As you said in your entry
"I personally feel that feelings play the most crucial role. With feelings, one can overcome alot of flaws, be it materialistic or superficial ones. Feelings make you more patient and more receptive to the other party. The whole rush of feelings can make a mundane routine feel so out of this world, when two are together. The downside, however, is that.. feelings are so unpredictable. What you used to do together, you detest doing it now. It simply feels like a drag even though it spelled so much fun before. You gain feelings one day, so easily just like that, and the next day you can wake up and realise they're gone. Poof. Vanish. Just like that. I guess that's the beauty of falling in love, its unpredictability."
Love can't be explained I guess. For Tom, I guess he was unlucky in the sense that he was the "breaking point" for Summer to understand what's love really means to her. It's through Tom that she understands what is like to have someone to grow old with. I guess there's always someone out there who is the perfect girl/guy for you, you just have to keep looking for them till the day you die. xoxo
Kandidkester: as much as I hate to believe in fate and all that jazz. I have to admit I think timing is fate and timing is crucial hence fate is crucial in situations like these. Fate speaks everything. and like how Summer has said how Tom enlightened her and should she not be at that cafe and not reading her book, she would have never met her husband. Knapps has left fate out though.
amorausente: I thought the ending was crappy. with the pun played on Autumn and Summer Finn (summer, fin/finished) it was one which got many eyes rolling for that one - I have to agree with you that the ending was not sad, in fact it worked out better this way. Happy endings are generic and boring and cliche and probably people won't remember much of it when they leave the theaters. This ending got the movie engraved better in our minds.
regarding feelings..I agree that they are not everything but they are essentially the issue. because one can do so much for another; however if the other party lacks feelings anymore, it simply defeats the purpose. And even though feelings can be developed. it just simply defies the whole point of a relationship already!
Adeline: You're most welcomed and you should go catch it if you still have yet done so. I guess it depends on the culture as well. In Singapore, basically it's like you're on everyone-knows-everyone island (well, technically we are on an island). Hence I think that is why even though a couple is "dating" the relationship is still built upon monogamy since rumours and gossips spread so quickly, it is unwise that we are hopping between partners since part of our culture is still so fixed within the traditional ways. Unlike in the States, they are probably open to dating a few at a time as a norm, probably both guys and girls do the same and are generally OK with it.
rocknstone: well but Summer did clarify that they were dating and not officially together. "Dating" is more like testing waters, to see if both parties are compatible with one another, before proceeding on. However, yes it was pretty cruel of her, that whatever happens she is free to leave because she isn't his "girlfriend" after all, and she doesn't have to answer to anything. But love is never a fair game!
whatasweyday: there is definitely people who are still stuck in the more tranditional and conservative ways, however they're not alone. I don't feel there is a right/wrong method, that everyone should conform to the newer concept and mindset of what a relationship should not be, and be more liberal and open towards it. As long as both parties coming together and that things can be worked out on the same wavelength, that would simply be the best
yuyyang: It seems that human feelings can be quite predictable at times..
Charlynnnn: Both nature and nurture! In my opinion that is. Apparently, the wiring of the guys genes for aggression is evident - that might be the reason for being the dominant species. Our course, our nurture and culture has also inculcated in us the "dominant/submissive" roles. However I think in Singapore most men are already open to it and they do not mind being the more "submissive" creatures.
Nice analysis of the movie while incorporating the media concepts we're learnt.
Personally I haven't watched the movie, but from other blog entry regarding this movie I feel that the end of Summer's and Tom's relationship is due to the their dissimilarities in views of relationship maintenance. Summer for her idea of freedom, and Tom for his idealistic vision in love and his belief that she is the one for him. Summer takes Tom for a fling, just being with him for fun, while Tom takes her relationship seriously. This is perhaps the cause of the end of their relationship.
This article shouldnt be written for people who haven't watched the show, because it entails the bones of it all. No good.
Citing Knapps Model and gender role reversal as a rationale of the 2 characters' behaviour is only one of the many lens to view the film.
Taking the 2 assumptions away, I believe scriptwriters are just getting lazy, I believe the producers are just in to earn a quick buck. The crux of the employment of the mentioned assumptions is to garner attention from us youths, and using this attention to pay for their latest phones, televisions and designer homes.
itsmorethanjustwords: phew your nick was quite a handful to type. If you haven't caught it, I'll say, "What have you been doing?! Go catch it this weekend!" Yeh, firstly they had different expectations from the relationship, Summer did clarify on that. She wanted a non-committal relationship which Tom respected yet he got himself in too deep. Their relationship was on the track of Duck's Filtering theory and through Summer's self-disclosure, Tom felt very exclusive because he was the first to hear of her personal issues. However, it also felt that Summer got bored of the relationship up to a certain point and decided to dissolute the relationship following Cody's disengagement strategies of behaviorial de-escalation in the end by giving excuses to Tom. Pity! The ironic thing is that at the end of the days, Summer got married while Tom became a cynic - a swop of their initial perception on interpersonal relationships
I agree with you that feelings plays the most crucial role too. Without feelings, why would both parties want to be with each other in the first place? Unless it is just a "game" or the "fun" of it to them. Personally, I didn't manage to catch this movie. BUt how many times would there be a happy ending in reality? Things will not always go the way we want, isn't it? I guess when it comes to relationship, it is subjective to each person that is involved.
"You gain feelings one day, so easily just like that, and the next day you can wake up and realise they're gone. Poof. Vanish. Just like that. I guess that's the beauty of falling in love, its unpredictability."
Contrary to that, I think that love is very much of a choice. Feelings are feelings, love is more than just the mere flutter of the heart. Yes, feelings can be transformed into love, but it's really sad how the movie portrayed Summer to be non-committal, sort of leading Tom on. Such is life!
Anyhow, I like the way you contrasted both of them before, and after. I especially liked the scene of the expectations vs reality,though you didn't cover much on that. I think it was a very real scene!
Overall, I don't really think the movie deserves a very good rating, it wasquite a disappointment to me when I watched it.
One thing I do not understand about Summer - if feelings play an important role, why did she get into a relationship with Tom if she did not have any real feelings for him in the first place?
People might not like Summer because she is the modern kind of person who does not give people what they expect, which is a happy ending between her and Tom. But Summer redeems herself by stating originally that she wasn't really looking for anything when she and Tom started dating.
Otherwise, I thought this movie was a more realistic depiction of what happens in life between people and their ex-es.
I think that even though feelings play an important role in a relationship, similarities and proximity are also equally important. The similarities which they share allows them to develop their relationship and have a better understanding of one another. Due to their close proximity, they have greater opportunities to interact with one another. These two factors contribute sgnificantly to their relationship. Overall, i think the movie provides an alternative point of view about relationships.
A detailed analysis of the movie using appropriate communication concepts!
I too watched 500 days of summer (and loved it), it was like you said, an atypical romantic comedy. It seems to show both the idealistic and realistic side of love all in one movie through the two characters. A lot of communication concepts can be drawn from this movie as you have mentioned. Relational development, perception, verbal and non-verbal communication and so on.
For perception, the scene in the beginning which you picked out is definitely one that tricks the mind by using non-verbal cues. The audience is tricked into thinking that the couple ends up together using objectics like the wedding ring on summer's hand, kinesics like her placing her hand on his and oculesics like them looking into each other's eyes. With all these misleading cues, the audience is made to think that they ended up together eventually because of the stimuli fed to them. This shows how perception can be changed using simple signals such as these.
For relational development, we see it clearly through Tom's view how the relationship is engaged and later disengaged. They seem to go through all the stages of the Knapp Model from initiating all the way to terminating.
Hey Cheryl!
I caught this show too! Haha
Anyway, great movie to use to show and further analyze the Knapp model of development! Other than similarity, other factors (for this how) that make two gravitate toward one another could be physical appearances and proximity (work).
I agree with you that the dynamics of relationships have definitely changed over the years. We can start to see this through the reversal of roles. For example, women are increasingly seen to be picking up the tabs instead of men. Then, there are the house husbands instead of housewives. Also, you can even see women driving men around and not the other way round! Slowly but surely, relationships are evolving into a whole new sphere.. It would be interesting to observe and see how relationships will be like say, 20 years down the road!(:
blacksticks: Sadly, Summer always mentions to Tom that he is so fun. This might be a hint to Tom that she wants to keep this relationship light and non-committal or it might not be intentional at all. This is totally different from what Tom actually wants out of this relationship, or any relationship at all. This dissimilarity of attitudes and the lack of novelty might have caused a dissolution to this union..
fedeltaura: Yes well.. Love is very broad and definitely long lasting ie: love for a friend, for your parents, for your family, for your pet dog. However when it comes to one of an opposite sex, the love might be long lasting but it might feel of a different kind. There was once when I woke up and felt that I could not longer continue seeing this guy. It just suddenly hit me one morning and that all the feelings or what I had left for him simply just .. vanished. Not regretting it though!
Rachel Lim SY: She was looking more for companionship perhaps? Like how she keeps mentioning to Tom that he was so fun and probably seek comfort in physical intimacy and it is always nice having someone around , right? Well yes, this is definitely a more genuine portrayal to relationship nowadays, that is why some movie viewers dislike it. Because they don't like to be reminded of that harsh fact.
com101sq: I think proximity might turn itself against the couple in the later stages of a relationship. They might feel the need for closeness at times and if each other were to occupy the same space most of the time during the day, they might feel suffocated and there won't "miss" each other as much!
sundaytv: I think this is how the producers made use of surveillance to disseminate what the want the audience to perceive which generally shapes the audience expectations out of this movie. Right up to the end I was still wondering how Tom will eventually get to marry Summer and all sorts of happy endings came into my mind. Even right up to the stage where she mentioned that she was getting married I was still expecting the male lead to defy circumstances in the end. Right up to the moment where that scene was being explained and it totally went against what everyone was thinking. i think that was how the producers wanted it to leave an impression of the movie to the audiences.
Valerie Chua: Yes these are obvious changes there are to people's ideals of a relationship as women are fighting for the rights to be equal. However, predominantly of the men still can't stomach the fact of letting the women be in control. It feels that their dignity and pride won't allow that to happen as they feel that men should still the be one in control of everything. I think it still takes awhile for them to really be used to this idea!
somehow your post sound quite pessimistic to me. haha! i still choose to believe in nice, long-lasting, relationships (a little squabble here and there is fine. haha. adds to the colour.). well, i dunno if it's apt to say it here (for fear of crossing the "religion boundary". but whatever.) trust in God! =)im sure there'll be the right one. =) wahaha.
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